Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Closing of another year...

So, it appears the year has ran away from me once again. But, I know that I enjoyed this year better than any other since I was 18. My boyfriend and I celebrated a year of being a couple on the 19th of November. It was wonderful. To the left is a picture of us from our company holiday party. (Yes, we work together.) We just started a year of "seconds," if you will... (Second Thanksgiving, Christmas, Birthday, etc.)

I'm am very blessed and fortunate and hopeful that new year will bring many more wonderful events.

Tomorrow I turn 29. I never imagined where I would be now...but I don't think it was here. I am not one to make resolutions...but I like to set goals on things I want to accomplish. Some of those for this year are, and not limited to:

  1. Losing 15 lbs and maintaining the weight. I have been one to fluctuate on the scale and consider myself fitness conscious, but I intend to focus more on nutrition.
  2. Go back to school... Lord knows I've been away to long and it is time to get things done!
  3. Do some more traveling... I want to return to Alaska, hopefully on a cruise.
  4. I will complete my Rite of Christian Initation as [an]Adult (RCIA) training in May, when I will become a member of the Catholic community. Am looking forward to embracing my Christianity and establish a better relationship with God.

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