Sunday, September 17, 2006

Old Friends

"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?" ~ Stand By Me (1986)

Last night I went to dinner with some old friends. These were the friends I made in 6th grade (one of them even in 5th.) These were the friends that you would write notes to every night, even though you would see them the next day and talk to them all day long anyway. These were the friends, that in those notes you would write: "Friends 4ever"...and if you were us: "Friends Forever Forget this and you die!" Those were the days. Life was simple, yet we were in a hurry to grow up. Grow up and grow apart, apparently.

Last night was great. I hadn't seen the girl who I grew to call my "best friend" in about 15 years. I found her on classmates last year. Another girl, I had seen after she mailed a letter to my parents house with her married name on the return address...about 8 years ago. The last I had made contact with after 9/11 and I was a on big kick to find everyone who ever meant anything to me...lucky for me...the friend is a he and his last name remained the same. :) I've hung out with him about once a year since 2002 and within the last year or so have seen him from time to time as we work out at the same gym. :) My "best friend" said, "You know, although we all look different, we all look the same." It was too funny, yet so true. All of our personalities were the same...mannerisms while speaking unchanged...only time had passed. It was almost like we picked up where we left off. Such a good feeling.

At this point, I am determined to keep in touch with them and have had them all send me their contact information so I can distribute. And I believe it will happen. I actually have been successful in staying in very good touch with 2 of my friends I made in that from 5th grade, Annette, (who coincidentally later becomes my sister-in-law) and another when I was genuine friend, Peter. So, I know it can be done...

The quote above is one of my favorites, and up until recently, I believed it was a 100% true. I still believe there is a lot of truth in it, but I have been fortunate to find a group of friends, whose friendships are comparable to those of the ones I had when I was 12. There's nothing like it. I think it helps keep us young and sane.

1 comment:

dogfaeriex5 said...

okay, you gave me a lump in my throat..very nice blog...your entry helped to erase my vision of leonard & his dad...