Tuesday, January 30, 2007


I can't believe it's the end of January already. I have been meaning to post an entry about the new year and what I hope comes to pass. Hoping not to sound like a broken record, but I'm not one to make "resolutions", in the sense that society usually defines. When most people set out to make resolutions, they usually are resolving to make a change... Change is really hard for me and often times I find I am set in my ways. A resolution is more so a statement or expression of a formal decision...(to many...a decision to make change.)

I much rather like setting goals for the year. This year I don't have too many goals... Last year I was successful at achieving most, if not all, the things on my list. I lost weight, I went back to school, I grew deeper spiritually and completed my catechism...
So this year, I have a list of HOPES, if you will:
  • I hope to at least get engaged before year's end...

  • ...so that I can hopefully start a family soon.

  • I hope to continue my studies and not allow my lack of motivation discourage me.

  • I hope to maintain my fitness habits and also incorporate an even more healthy diet.

  • I hope to exercise my faith with stronger intentions.

  • I hope to keep my sanity through the changes at work, (resulting from the recent acquistion of the company for which I work.)

  • And last, but certainly not least, I hope to stay in contact and spend more time with my family and those that I love.
I'm praying these things will come to pass. God willing...

1 comment:

dogfaeriex5 said...

you are a good girl!!